Wednesday 2 October 2013


                                                 Subject           Predicate
universal affirmative           distributed         undistributed
universal negative               distributed         distributed
particular affirmative          undistributed     undistributed
particular negative              undistributed     distributed

  1. Every deduction should contain three and only three distinct terms
  2. The middle term must be distributed at least once in the premises
  3. If one premise is negative then the conclusion must be negative
  4. If one premise is a particular then the conclusion must be particular
  5. If both the premises are negative no conclusion can be drawn 
  6. If both the premises are particular no conclusion can be drawn
  7. No term can be distributed in the conclusion if it is not distributed in the premises
Some Examples can be shown below:
  • All dogs are cats
  • All cats are pigs
In the above first statement is Universal affirmative statement the subject dogs has distributed in the second statement cats is distributed and pigs is not distributed.The middle tern cats is occurs twice hence as per the rules the conclusion can be drawn as
  • All dogs are pigs
some hints to draw conclusions in deductions
questions      conclusion
All+Some not==>>Some not
Some+Some==>no conclusion
No+No==>>no conclusion

Some Questions on these deductions:

  1.  All cooks are Drivers ,  All Drivers are Dancers

  1. all dancers are drivers
  2. all cooks are dancers
  3. no cook is dancer
  4. both 1 and 2
   2. All men are sane ,  Some sane are insane

  1. some men are insane
  2. no man is insane
  3. all men are insane
  4. none of these
 3. No plane is Ship, No ship is bus

  1. no bus is plane
  2. no plane is bus
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above
4. All cats are dogs , No dogs are rats

  1. All cats are rats
  2. some cats are rats
  3. no cat is rat
  4. none of the above
5.Many mothers are sisters , all sisters are goddess

  1. no mother is goddess
  2. some mothers are not goddess
  3. many mothers are goddess
  4. both 1 and 2
6. Some books are brooks , some brooks are not cooks
  1. some brooks are cooks
  2. some brooks are not cooks
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above
7. some shirts are pants , all pants are shorts 
  1. no shirt is shorts
  2. some shirts are shorts
  3. all shirts are shorts
  4. none of the above
8. Some gauges are cages , some cages are not catches
  1. some gauges are not catches
  2. no gauge is a catch
  3. some gauges are catches
  4. none of the above red is a black , all blue are black
  1. all red are blue
  2. some red are blue
  3. no red is blue
  4. none of the above
10.some hammers are tools , all tools are made of iron 
  1. some hammers are made of iron 
  2. some hammers are not made of iron 
  3. no hammer is made of iron
  4. none of the above

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