Saturday 5 October 2013

linear sequencing

Linear sequencing is essentially arranging the items given in a sequence. The question of this type are also referred to as seating arrangement. persons paul,queen,rax,sam,tom,unif and vali are sitting in a row facing us.rax and sam sit next to each other there must be exactly four persons between queen and vali. sam sits to the immediate right of queen.

  1. if paul and tom are separated exactly by two persons, then who sits to the immediate left of vali?
  • parul
  • tom
  • unif
  • rax
  2.if queen is not sitting at either extreme of the row then who among the following has as many persons on his left as on his right?

  • sam 
  • unif
  • rax
  • vali
3.if queen sits at one extreme then who is at the other extreme?

  • paul 
  • vali
  • tom
  • can't be determined
4.tom sits to the right of queen and paul is separated from tom by exactly three persons then who is sitting to the immediate left of vali?

  • unif
  • paul
  • tom
  • rax how many different ways can the seven persons sit in row?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 10
  • 12
Seven boys-rajan,shyam,vardhan,mithra,vimal,raj and kishan-are sitting in a row shyam sits to the immediate left of vardhan and third to the left extreme, is next to kishan.
 1.who is sitting to the immediate right if shyam?

  • mithra
  • kishan
  • vimal
  • vardhan
2.if vardhan and kishan exchange places with each other without changing the rest of the arrangement that is already done, who will be sitting to the immediate left of rajan?

  • kishan
  • raj
  • vimal
  • vardhan
3.which of the following cannot confirm the seating arrangement of all the boys?

  • raj is to the immediate right of rajan, where as vimal is to the left of shyam
  • mithra and raj have two persons between them
  • raj and krishna have two persons between them
  • rajan and shyam have two persons between them
4.if only shyam sits between raj and vardhan who is exactly in the middle of the row?

  • raj
  • vardhan
  • vimal
  • rajan
5.after arranging all the boys as per the conditions given in the data if rajan now exchanges hid place with mithra and vardhan exchanges his place with vimal then how many persons will be there between vimal and rajan?

  • three
  • two
  • five
  • can't be determined
Nine persons A to I are standing in a row.Both E and G are exactly next to one person.There are two person between C and A. F is between I and B. B is to the immediate right to E and C is to the immediate left of G.
1.Which of the following additional statements is necessary to determine the order of the persons in the row from left to right?

  • I is to the immediate left of A and C is to the immediate right of H.
  • A is to the left of D and H.
  • There are two persons between F and D.
  • C is sitting to the left of G.
  • None of the above.
2.If I is to the immediate right of A, then who is the immediate left of C?

  • D
  • E
  • F
  • H
  • Either D or H
3.How many persons are there between C and E?

  • 7
  • 6
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
4.if H is to the immediate right of D,then how many persons are there between E and D?

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 3
  • can't be determined
5.How many arrangements of a row are possible given that,F is to the immediate right of B?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8

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