Sunday 6 October 2013


1.Two different teams of four persons each are to be selected from twelve persons A through L among them 6 persons A through F play cricket and the remaining persons play football in a team there must be two cricketers and two football players. we have to select the team based on the following information
i) If A is selected then L should be not selected
ii) If B is selected in a team then H must be selected in the other team
iii) If J is selected in a team then K must be selected in the same team
iv) Exactly one among C,D and K must be selected
v) Only if D is selected, I can be selected
vi) At most one of D and H can be selected
1. Who will not be selected?
  • A
  • E
  • F
  • L
2. If K is selected in team I, then in how many ways team II can be selected?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
3. Which of the following is possible team?
  • JKEF
  • EBGJ
  • ABJH
  • HAEG
4. If J is selected in a team, then who among the following must be selected in that team?
  • B
  • E
  • F
  • A
5.If the persons who are not selected from a team what is the team?
  • CDIL
  • CDGK
  • AEGI
  • none of these
2. Vijay asked to ajay to select 6 pens of different colors from the available ten colors -orange,red,blue,white,pink,yellow,black,grey,violet,and brown.
vijay has laid down some conditions for ajay as given below.
i) If ajay selects the blue pen, then he must select the ornage pen also, and vice versa.
ii) If ajay selects the grey pen, then he must be select the black pen also, vice versa.
iii) If ajay selects the yellow pen, then he cannot select the grey pen.
iv) Exactly on of red and violet pens must be selected.
1.If ajay selects the yellow pen, then he has to select the
  • white pen
  • blue pen
  • brown pen
  • violet pen
2. If ajay does not  select the grey or the brown pen then among the following choices he can reject the
  • pink pen
  • white pen
  • red pen
  • orange pen
3. Which of the following can be the list of colors of pens selected by ajay?
  • yellow,pink,white,blue,brown,orange
  • red,blue,orange,white,grey,yellow
  • black,grey,brown,violet,pink,white
  • red,pink,blue,orange,violet,white
4.Which of the following can confirm the selection of pens?
  • blue and yellow pens are selected
  • red and grey pens are selected
  • orange and red pens are not selected
  • grey pen is not selected but the orange pen is selected.

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