Tuesday 20 May 2014

Critical Incident Method

Critical incident method:
This format of performance appraisal is a method which is involved identifying and describing specific incidents where employees did something really well or that needs improving during their performance period.
  • Each employee will be evaluated as such and one’s performance appraisal will be based on the logs that are put in the evaluation form.
  • The manager maintains logs on each employee, whereby he periodically records critical incidents of the workers behavior.
  • At the end of the rating period, these recorded critical incidents are used in the evaluation of the workers performance.
  • The critical incidents file of performance appraisal is a form of documentation that reflect all about employee performances.
Disadvantages of critical incident method:
This method suffers however form the following limitations:
  • Critical incidents technique of evaluation is applied to evaluate the performance of superiors rather than of peers of subordinates.
  • Negative incidents may be more noticeable than positive incidents.
  • It results in very close supervision which may not be liked by the employee.
  • The recording of incidents may be a chore for the manager concerned, who may be too busy to forget to do it.
  • The supervisors have a tendency to unload a series of complaints about incidents during an annual performance review session.

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