The Word "Resume"
Do not label your resume "resume." One look at your resume, and
the employer should know exactly what type of document it is. In addition,
don't name your resume "resume" when you save the file. Use your name
so the hiring manager will know whose resume it is at a glance. Here's how to
name your resume
The Date You Wrote the Resume
Some people make the mistake of dating their resumes. The employer does not
need to know when you wrote your resume; the dates you include regarding past
education and employment are the only dates you need to include.
Any Personal Data Beyond Your Contact Information
Do not include any personal information beyond your address, email, and
phone number. Leave out your age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion,
political affiliation, and the names and ages of your spouse and/or children.
While some of this information may be required in a CV, it should be left out
of a resume.
You should also leave out important numbers that could allow someone to
steal your identity, such as your social security number, drivers license
number, and any credit card information.
While many companies outside of the United States require a photograph with
each resume, those within the US do not. In fact, most companies prefer you not
to include a photograph so they can safely adhere to the Equal Opportunity
Employer Legislation (which prohibits companies from making hiring decisions
for discriminatory reasons)
Physical Characteristics (height, weight, etc.)
Like a photograph, including your physical characteristics on a resume opens
the door to possible accusations of discrimination against the company.
Companies therefore prefer that you do not include any physical descriptors.
Grammar School and High School
Grammar school is never included on a resume. If you are still in high
school, are in your first couple years of college, or if a high school diploma
is your highest degree, you can certainly include your high school information.
However, once you complete any other form of education, eliminate this
information from your resume.
Low GPAs
College students and recent graduates often include there GPA in their
resume. However, if you are worried about a low GPA, simply leave it off your
resume. You can still include your school, graduation date, and any awards
Unrelated Work Experience
You don't need to list every job you have held on your resume. Generally,
you only want to include positions you have held in the past 10 - 15 years,
unless an earlier job strongly demonstrates your qualifications. Leave out any
positions that are unrelated to the job for which you are applying unless it
will leave gaps on your resume.
However, if you have limited job experience, you can include slightly
unrelated positions as long as you demonstrate how they prepared you for a job
in your new field. For example, if you are applying for a job in sales, you can
include your earlier job as a cashier if you explain that the job helped you
develop your customer service skills.
Unrelated Hobbies
Most companies do not want to see your hobbies on your resume. However, if
you have a hobby that relates to the company, you may include it. For example,
if you are applying to work at a sporting goods store, you could list your
interest in particular outdoor activities.
Names and Contact Information for Former Employers
Because you will have a separate list of references you do not need to
include any contact information for your former employers on your resume.
Salary History
Salary is an issue you can discuss with the employer during an interview or
once you have been offered the job; you do not want to establish a salary range
before you have even been offered an interview.
Criminal Record
If you get hired, the company will likely conduct a search of your criminal
record. However, there is no need to include this information on your resume.
"References Available Upon Request"
Generally it is assumed that a job applicant will have references. Instead
of including the references on your resume or saying "references available
upon request," you can send the hiring manager a separate sheet of
references or wait until you are asked to provide references.
Negative Words/Ideas
Avoid saying what you did not do or have not yet accomplished; focus on what
you have done or are in the process of achieving. For example, if you are still
in college, do not say "not yet graduated," but instead list the year
in which you will graduate. If you didn't graduate, simply list the dates you
Instead of saying that you have "limited experience" in
administrative work, simply provide examples of your previous experience.